' sede' - to give up. 'leve' - to get up. 'ale' - to go.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dear Maw Maw

Well Maw-maw, 

You've been gone a whole year. And while much has changed, a whole lot has stayed the same. Your three boys got together in March, and as you can imagine, they romped around the river like teenagers. Throwing rocks and sticks. Hiding from each other and swinging on vines. Tripping eachother and imitating the way the dog walks. Threatening to push each other in the river and actually falling in. Their three beautiful wives did what they are wont to do. They cooked wonderful meals and shared endless cups of coffee together. They laughed and they prayed, and while I'm never privy to all their conversations, I imagine they talked about their children. Their accomplishments and concerns. 

A lot of landmarks. 

Landree and Jude aren't babies anymore and Blake isn't a boy. Jared can't stop getting promoted and Jillian is winning awards in her school band. Brie's baseball team is practicing on a field owned by the Nationals, and Rachel switched careers all together. 

You might ask how I know all of that, being in Haiti.

And I'll tell you. 

It's because of you. 

That we talk all the time.

That we love each other so.

That we are, as you would say, one big happy family. 

As my mother would say, 

The very best best of friends. 

Thank you for that Mawmaw. 

Thank you for everything. 

As much as I miss you, 

I love you even more. 

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