' sede' - to give up. 'leve' - to get up. 'ale' - to go.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On a lighter note

I'm feeling exceptionally proud of myself this evening (which my mother would tell you is something extra special) as I have been known to possess a 'healthy' dose of self encouragement as is.

That said, listen up, ladies and gentleman! I have engineered light in my bathroom which has been pitch black for two days as the power has been out and there are no windows in the room.

I know your ears are burning with desire so I'll spare you no detail.

First, I nailed several hooks into my door. Then I hung two portable mirrors on them,
You know, hand held circular ones that you can prop up on a metal back? Are you with me?

Then I put a couple more nails above said mirrors dangled headlamp (flashlights on elastic) from them, and in between the mirrors. The light refracting off and in between the mirrors, and the reflection themselves illuminate the whole bathroom!

Now, if you're some sort of neigh sayer who ponders why I can't just use the restroom in the dark. I'll tell you, and in this case, I'll spare you several details...

The gist is so:

Two nights ago (in the pitch black darkness) I needed to take a 'shower', which of course in my case means getting a large bucket of water, putting it in the tub and then using smaller pitchers to dispense water to wash with.

I have worked out a system over the past couple showers. I make one pitcher of soapy water and one pitcher remains rinsing water. That said, you can never use the rinse water pitcher until you have cleaned the soap from your hands ( in order to avoid soap contamination)

For those of you who can see where I'm going with this, I'll save you the suspense; the answer is yes, I did mistakenly pour an entire pitcher of soapy water into my eyes when trying to rinse shampoo out of my hair.

And THAT, my friends, brings me to the current illumination grandeur that I have erected in my bathroom.

You might be thinking, and I may anonymously agree with you, that this surely could not warrant a blog entry, but I tell you what:

Small victories, people. Big reward.

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