' sede' - to give up. 'leve' - to get up. 'ale' - to go.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Whoopsy daisy

There is a Haitian proverb, it goes something like this:

'White girl spends excessive amounts of money on expensive hiking shoes, yet cannot climb the mountain in the rain, and I am walking barefoot.'

Well, I paraphrase- it's more concise.

'She who walks up the mountain in the rain learns that dirt turns to mud.'

It turns out that one hundred and forty dollar hiking shoes are less for muddy and rocky, mountainous terrain, and more for the carpeted floor store in REI.

I took a long walk today, a hike if you will. The dirt roads become treacherous and the mountainside very slick. Even the paved roads are dangerous as the coats of dust quickly become unmanageable slip n'slides.

I was faced with two dilemmas.

Firstly, how embarrassing it would be to fall down.

And secondly, how embarrassing it would be to walk as slow as was physically necessary to refrain from falling down.

Unfortunately for myself, my behind, my pride, and my bank account, I did fall down. Tremendously. With gusto.

Go big or go home, as they say.

But I'll tell you what, Haitians never miss an opportunity to laugh.

I mean never.

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