' sede' - to give up. 'leve' - to get up. 'ale' - to go.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Even though we're not at Bonnaroo ( 6-16-2013)

Dear Dude,

It's not only about how much fun we have. How you're my favorite person. How we crack each other up. How we share our days when we walk through the back alleys of Birch Street, drinking Mavromatis swill and taking a minute to guess (and check) the exact temperature outside.

It's all of those things. But it's none of them too.

It's how you set a standard for my life.

As a father, as a friend. A husband, as a dreamer, a visionary. As a hard worker.

An eternal optimist.

A glass overflowing sense of humor

A brother and a son.

An intellectual.

Full of grace and humility.

Selfless and ever so devoted to your family.

I'm not scared of how high the bar is. Because I know I'm worth it. And I know it's out there.

That never settle for less joy.

That find comfort in God's love.

That love all children with abundance.

That seemingly endless enthusiasm for play.

That wake up, grateful for the day.

You. And all the skills you've given me.

A roadmap. And the foundation for it.

Happy Father's Day.

You are SO loved.


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